Why Titan Coin Will Be A Good Investment for 2020

Titan Project
4 min readFeb 18, 2020


The behavior of cryptocurrency investors has changed a lot over the past years. As investors become more aware of how the market works and shifts, they are now realizing the importance of holding their tokens rather than selling them instantly.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are known for their volatility because of the price changes very frequently and abruptly. While some investors who understand this mechanism leverage this to gain profits in the short term, the risk is way too high as the price may go down at the same rate it came up.

This is why investors are now choosing to put their money in more stable coins such as Titan coin and for the long term.

If you’re also thinking to invest in a good cryptocurrency with the aim to gain huge returns in the long term, Titan Coin is one of the best investment options for 2020 & beyond.

What is Titan Coin?

Titan Coin is a revolutionary digital payment currency, which enables users to make global payments at any time and from anywhere in the world.

It is a faster and more secure way of sending/receiving cross-border payments, thanks to the Titan Coin’s unique blockchain facilitating hybrid PoW/PoS consensus mechanism.

Titan Coin uses decentralized blockchain technology for ensuring complete transparency in transactions as well as to keep the transactions peer-to-peer (free of middlemen).

Other things that make Titan Coin better than the existing payment systems include next-gen blockchain technology, global payments, fast (instant) processing, low transaction fee, multiple wallets, advanced security with SHA256, social integration, and the best of all — high liquidity through a number of definite use cases (Titan projects).

Why you should invest in Titan coin now to secure your future

As I mentioned before, the crypto investment market is now rapidly shifting towards the projects that offer more real value to the holders.

Investors are even ready to hold a cryptocurrency for long if it can guarantee significant results. And a good project always takes time to give results.

To that point, Titan coin is leading the market. The project is already getting good hype in the market. The development of the first two apps (the Family Security App & the Salesman Reporting App) is finished, and both apps are officially launched.

The initial response is quite amazing, as both apps are on their way to achieving the milestones. Also, the Titan Exchange (TTNEX) is nearly ready to launch.

Here’s why investment in the Titan Coin is beneficial for 2020 and beyond.

The value of Titan coin is a subject of the market demand. With the launch of the Titan Family Security App in December last year, the demand for the app as well as the Titan coin increased dramatically.

Seeing the high demand, the team also launched the Salesman Reporting app last month, which again proved to be a wonderful decision since everyone seems to be downloading and using the app now for effective tracking of their sales teams.

Thanks to the continuous updates and launches, the demand for the Titan coin has started increasing and so has the value.

People are buying Titan coins not just to sell for quick profits but also to use them in the apps and to hold for the long term to make substantial returns on their investment.

Here’s how you can get even better returns from the Titan coin by 2020.

Today is the best time to buy the Titan coin. The price is low presently, so you can buy more coins without making a hole in your pocket.

Use the coin for payments: Titan coin is a cryptocurrency backed by a very powerful digital payment system that you can use to make cross-border payments in a secure, instant and peer-to-peer fashion.

Use Titan Apps to make life easier for you: Titan apps or projects have been developed to make day-to-day tasks such as parental control App, family security, salesman tracking App, etc. easier for everyone. You can get access to the premium apps by using the Titan Coin for paying the subscription fee.

Hold Titan coins for future: If you are one of those investors who believe in holding a currency for the long-term to make huge profits, Titan coin won’t disappoint you. The coin value is continuously increasing, and you can expect to make significant profits if you just hold the coin for a couple of years.

As more Titan apps are launched in the coming future, both the demand and the value of the coin will continue increasing. The longer you hold your coins, the more profits you will make.

With that note, I’d advise you to start investing in Titan coin today.

