TITAN PROJECTS joins hands with ENFETTER TECHNOLOGIES. Here’s all you need to know

Titan Project
2 min readAug 17, 2020

Titan Projects, a multi-dimensional blockchain ecosystem backed by a series of high-end, user-centric apps, is proud to announce its partnership with Enfetter Technologies, an India-based technology firm providing IT services to clients globally.

Titan Projects was launched a couple of years back as a revolutionary blockchain ecosystem for fast, secure, and low-cost international payments. The ecosystem is governed by the Titan Coin, which is a powerful digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world.

As a payment system, Titan Coin can be integrated by any offline/online platform into its own system for accepting convenient cross-border payments from customers worldwide. The cost/fee for transactions through Titan Coin is minimal and the amount is instantly credited to the beneficiary account.

To create the initial use cases for the Titan Coin and maintain its volatility, the team has launched a series of apps, called Titan projects, that include a family security app, an online dating app, a salesman tracking app, among others. These are daily-use apps made for common people to make their life easy.

Enfetter Technologies is an IT service provider company based in India. The company offers efficient and cost-effective IT services and solutions, including web design, web development, online marketing, app development, etc. to small businesses and enterprises around the globe.

With this partnership, Titan Projects aims to achieve a higher reach for its products and services. We have partnered with Enfetter Technologies to embed our innovative and low-cost blockchain payment system (Titan Coin) into their IT solutions, including apps and e-commerce products for easy and fast payments.

This will help extend the reach of Titan Coin and enable more customers/merchants to benefit from our futuristic solutions.

In addition, Enfetter Technologies will be working hand-in-hand with the Titanprojects team to build advanced systems and solutions on blockchain technology. Together, we aim to take the blockchain to the next level and boost its mass adoption.

For exciting news, updates and offers related to Titan Coin, subscribe to our Telegram channel https://t.me/TitanCoinOfficial

Originally Published On groupspaces.com

