Titan Coin swapping for Titan Token has ended.
As you are aware of the swapping of Titan currency to Titan token, which we announced a few days ago. We have provided all of the information that you need, including dates, ratios, and other relevant details. The time for making swaps has now ended.
Titan holders will no longer be able to register their coins to participate in the token-swapping process now. Those people who have registered their Titan coin will get their Titan token. Titan tokens will be distributed in a ratio of 1:1.
Titan Coin deposits are unable to be made at this time since the specified time period has already come to an end. Nobody can register to swap their titan coin. Tokens will primarily only be distributed to those individuals who have already registered for the swap.
Users who have registered will get updates through the site and social media. On the 30th of December in 2022, holders will be given the Titan token by swapping their titan coin.